Friday, May 11, 2007

Beavers Program 17 March – St. Patrick’s Day

Gathering Game 6:25 to 6:35 (Rusty and Scouter Lynn)

·Riverbanks, dam and feeding the beaver 6:35 to 6:45
Put the money bin at the beaver.
Hawkeye Beaver with attendance sheet.
Fisher will read a St.Patrick’s Day Story (history of the day).
One or two leaders prompting beavers to feed Beaver by going around the circle.
Two leaders finish setting up the stations.

·Program St. Patricks Day 6:45 to 7:20
1. Game – The Shamrock Hop (Chris can you do this?)
2. Craft – Shamrock Lapel Pin (Shawna, Julie & Scouter Lynn can you do this?)
3. Game – Gold, Gold who has got the gold? (Trevor can you do this?)
4. Colouring – Leprechauns (Chuck can you do this?)

Gary you and I will help out wherever extra help is needed. I assume the crafts.

Craft/Game instructions follow
· Lodge Meeting 7:20 to 7:25
Review Law, Promise, motto for the New Beavers
– this is also buffer for the program.
If there are extra leaders they can start clean up

· Closing 7:25 to 7:30

· Dismissal 7:30

Two Leaders to take Beavers out to lobby. Talk to Parents about next week if needed

· Leader’s beavers clean up 7:30 to 7:45
Get our kids to clean up or a quiet activity

· Leader review & planning 7:30 to 7:45
Plan to discuss events of the night and coming up…

Shamrock Lapel Pins
Give each Beaver three green pipe cleaners and have them form each into a shamrock petal. Twist together the ends at the centre. Leaders can add small ribbon bows and safety pins. These shamrock pins can be worn during the meeting and taken home afterwards.
(I’ve purchased the pipe cleaners and safety pins. I couldn’t get all green or the ribbons, so we’ll have to improvise.)

Shamrock Hop
Arrange your Beavers in pairs; give each pair two big green shamrocks cut from cardboard. One Beaver in each pair is the “hopper”, while the other is the “helper” as they cross the pond from one side to the other. The helper places the shamrock on the floor and, with both feet, the hopper hops onto it. The helper puts the other shamrock a little farther ahead
and the hopper hops onto it. They continue until they reach the other side of the pond, where the hopper and helper change places for the return trip. (I’ll provide the Shamrock’s)

Gold, Gold, Who's got the Gold
Supplies: A large gold coin (Use a loonie from the dues)
How To Play: Sit in a circle, a child is chosen to be the Leprechaun and hides her eyes as a gold coin is given to a child to hide in his lap or behind his back. The Leprechaun then has three chances to guess which child has their gold coin. (All children hide their hands in their laps/behind their backs like they have it.)

I will bring some colouring sheets.